This one I found because a friend had linked it on another friend's Facebook, and for some reason Facebook thinks I should be creeping on certain people's Facebook pages? I don't know. Anyway, little known fact (is it? I guess I really don't talk about myself that much; do people just make assumptions about me because of that?), I actually really like beat poetry and that sort of thing. That one up there is a lovely poem, and I love the sound of that man's voice. I like the emotion. I even like the anger, even though I don't like angry people, but some things we do have a right to be angry about.
DREAM/DAY, which I absolutely stole from my friend Matt, who actually found it and posted it on Facebook (Matt, if you're reading this, some day I will develop my own opinions instead of just reading everything you tell me is good; and maybe I'll stop getting everything interesting from Facebook and branch out a little). It's a blog, of sorts, just a guy going about his day, but the way he describes everything is great--wicked sense of humor he's got--and the writing style really appeals to me. It's very fragmented and stream of consciousness and just kind of odd.
This is nothing to do with books at all but I want to make these so much because they sound so delicious.
And a mash-up, which I've seen circulating around the internet for a while, but it is really fantastic, and I have a huge weakness for anything that makes use of the soundtrack to Inception. It's not writing, or anything like writing, it's music, but I guess they can go together? Although for me they usually don't; I don't like to listen to music when I read because it interferes with the rhythm of the words. So perhaps writing is a different sort of music? I don't know if I like that, that's a bit fanciful for my taste.
Perhaps I should pursue, among the many other self-improvements I've undertaken, going about being less nailed to the ground all the time. Perhaps being fanciful is a good thing every once and a while?
Speaking of fanciful, I'm still working through the third book of Clive Barker's Abarat series, which is a very good series that I think pretty much everyone can enjoy. I was going to find a picture from it to put up here but when I Google Image searched for it I got mostly terrible anime fan-art, so now I'm upset and I'm not going to give you anything. Go read it for yourself if you want to see all the pictures. (They're beautiful, by the way, please read it.)
I will give you one picture, because I took a picture of a cat today that I really liked. I'm sorry more of this wasn't about books, I'm a bit not all there right now. Too much something.
Kurt Vonnegut wrote a book about a cat once, I think. |
Enjoy the cat picture and good night.